Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jeju Island!

For those of you who have not heard yet, I will be teaching on Jeju Island instead of on the main Korean peninsula. Although it was a little bit sad for me to learn this news at first, I had to remember that I was blessed with the opportunity to come back to Korea as an English teacher. I am also becoming really excited to start teaching! I will be teaching at an elementary school located in Jeju city on the north part of the island, however the grade levels are still unknown so I could be teaching multiple grades since I will be the only English teacher at my school. Since I did not post anything about my previous visit to Jeju Island I thought I would share some of the photos I have. If you have any questions just comment and I will answer them as soon as I can!

They have statues all over the island! This is what a lot of them look like! They are pretty cool looking! We found this one in Seogwipo which is another large city on the island but it is on the bottom of the island! 

This pretty waterfall is also in the south by Seogwipo!

There were a lot of people too! Nice area to see! 

Here is a bridge and a port near the submarine tours you can take while on the island! 

They have an eco world on the island and these little plants were there! They make me think of Horton hears a who! 

This was coming out of the lava tubes of the volcano! Haha my friend kind of got in the way of the camera and I could not stop to take another picture. :) Exploring the lava tubes was my favorite part last time I went!! 


Here is the location of Jeju Island on a map in relation to the Korean peninsula

This map is of the Island itself! Jeju city (Cheju city) Is where I will be teaching! Also, I live an hour away from my school so it will be an interesting commute but I live somewhat close enough to Mt. Halla to go Hiking everyday after class! I am pretty excited about that! Also I am in a good location to go to the beach if I prefer a more relaxing night instead of hiking! 

Teaching in Korea!

Hello everyone! I am delighted to tell you that I am reopening my blog! I am back in Korea as an English teacher and want to continue sharing my experiences. I promise I will do a better job at updating my blog unlike when I was a student in Korea! (Sorry for the long delays family members) I am excited to share some more experiences though so keep following if you would like! God Bless and I love you all!