Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gyeongbokgung Palace!

Here is a picture of Gyeongbokgung Palace! It is an interesting location in Seoul because I would have pictured it to be in the middle of a more rural area, but it is surrounded by the busy city life of Seoul. I have not had the chance to go inside yet though. We arrived too late and did not realize that you have to buy your ticket an hour before the palace closes. It was sad but we ended up having fun in Insadong with shopping and eating Poop bread. I will be going back soon though! Hopefully with my roommates!! :)

That is my friend Lauren from Central eating Poop bread in Insadong!! It is not really poop, Aunt Donna!!!! :) It is bread that is filled with a red bean paste and the bread is in the shape of poop! 


  1. Send me some poop bread!!! So funny!! Love you and hope you are having fun!
    -Dana :)

  2. I am guessing by the look on your face you like poop bread as well as you like ham! Thank you for clarifying what it is. I see you're wearing gloves so it must be cold outside. Today is the first day of spring, and we have plenty of snow still. Thanks for posting-great to see you!

  3. Dana: I would definitely send some but I think it would be gross by the time it got to you! :)

    Aunt Donna: It was cold the first weekend, but it is warming up! The daytime is usually pretty warm but the nights are very cold.

  4. Also, I have found a church to attend here!! Just thought I should let you know!! :)

  5. Coooool!>_<
    I just found your blog and hope you will have a lot of fun here in Korea.
    Are you currently living in Jochiwon ?.

    1. In Jochiwon? Do you live in Jochiwon?

    2. yeahs !
      I am a student in Jochiwon.
      May I know your kakaotalk or email address if you don't mind ?
      cuz I have something to ask about your school..
